I thought I should introduce my three "Littlest Ones" to those of you that have not had the pleasure of meeting these yappy little creatures. We do love them, except, when someone comes to the door and their manners become nonexistant! Chris is a HUGE dog lover and tells me that there is noone on the planet that loves dogs more than him, and I do believe he is right!
We are about to start school this morning. We started our morning with me reading the "Hobbit" to Chris and him all cuddled up on the sofa. Our friend Scot loaned us this book and told us it's a must, along with The Lord of the Rings, so we are diving into these with vim and vigor. Next, Chris will tackle math, get the hardest thing out of the way, he HATES it, then move through the day and usually let him pick which subject he wants to tackle next. We are on the home stretch for school now and he and I can hardly WAIT. I still feel the same as I did as a kid, counting the days until summer. It's funny how our body's change and grow older but not much has changed about the things that I cherish and love to do. Having fun has always been what I do best!! By the way, "HAPPY ST. PATTY'S DAY" to everyone!