What a fun day!!!! I know that I sound redundant about my days and how much I am enjoying them but the fact of the matter is that I love them to the max and it's something that I am so thankful for. We attempted to do the "flatflower" bike race on Sunday and it was a blast! It is a huge race that takes place in Chico every year. We rode in the midst of the "REAL BIKERS" and they seemed to pass us like we were standing still. It kind of irked me, but when we had the chance I pumped up our group to take out some of them, only to have them pass us a few minutes later. It really was fun and my goal for next year is to double our mileage and come in for the "GOLD" Ha I would love it if more of the people I love could join us for the fun. After the race, we crashed on the lawn of a park and much to the boys delight, found an ice-cream truck to raid. These days are so precious to me and the minutes in them are never long enough!
I'm happily married to my very best friend for almost 28 years, the mother of 3 beautiful kids and many more who have crossed our path, lover of dogs, laughter, my wonderful friends, the gorgeous sunshine and just life in general, on most days.
Is your bottom sore? Did you go home and pig out on salty chips?