Sunday, May 24, 2009

Bachlorette Party

We had such a "FUN" time at Summy's bachelorette party! Jen, Summer's MOH (as she likes to be called)/Maid of Honor, planned everything out and it was so awesome! She dressed Summer up in a white dress, complete with all of the bachelorette accessories, if you know what I mean...... some of which were a veil, qaudy flashing diamond ring and banner across her chest. We had special treats in the limo and played games and laughed our heads off! We finished the day at a great restaurant and Jen, once again had made special treats for desert for each one of us. I can say without a doubt that we all had a wonderful time but noone more than me. I loved it and was so happy to be able to be there. Oh, if I could be 25 again and know what I know now, the possibilities would be ENDLESS!!!! Countdown......................6days Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm TIRED, and don't even have the energy to write in my "BLOG", except to say that I'm TIRED!!!!!!! Those of you who have gone through a wedding with a daughter, all I can say is "GOD BLESS YOU", and my hat is off to you! You have earned my utmost honour and respect. For those of you who have yet to experience this blessed event, all I can say is I will try my hardest to be there for you and lift you up when your time comes. We never understand things fully until we have walked a mile in those shoes. So, as the hour draws near, pray for me that I will enjoy, as I want my daughter to do, this joining of two peoples lives and really take in the meaning of this sacred event.

Friday, May 15, 2009

My Boy Came Home

Oh, how happy the mom of the house is to have her older son come home for a visit! I felt SO happy inside when I was finally able to put my arms around this huge, bear of a guy and give him a long overdue hug. I haven't seen him since february when we went down to Laguna. Zoey about wet all over herself when she saw Ryan and he started lovin on her. It really was something to see and it made me so aware of just how much I love that boy, or should I call him a man now, with all my heart. His calm, gentle spirit is a good force in my life at this crazy, wedding time. I'm looking forward to a good exercise day tomorrow, maybe a bike ride, dinner of his favorite foods and hopefully some long talks.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Birthday airsoft war

We celebrated Chris's 14th birthday on Saturday with another one of our "redneck" airsoft wars with some of his friends and mine. The boys have the best time going around in the woods trying to kill each other while I have the best time with my "wives" sitting around talking, laughing and eating awesome snacks! Brett was so sweet to suprise all of us and bring us a yummy treat of, fresh strawberry's, and bagels with cream cheese and smoked salmon. It was delicious and we all felt so thankful that she is so thoughtful. For the boys, pizza and cake in the parking lot and they are a very happy bunch. I'm so glad that boys are so easily pleased.

My Auntie

Monday I took a trec down to Sacto. to see my "Auntie" and take her to lunch and a play date, or as much of a play date as someone on oxygen can have. I had so much fun with her! We went to Mimi's for lunch, she loves to go there. We sat and talked for a long time and I just love to drink her up like a fine glass of wine. I can usually hear only every other word because her voice is so gone, but I try to read her lips and play the guessing game. It's kind of funny. We talked about "KIDS", one of her favorite subjects, our mistakes, hopes and dreams for all of them. She also loves to go the thrift stores, so we traveled around to her favorites. It was a BLAST! I found some really cute things and because I was with her and she is so old, I got a 30% discount on everything I bought. When stuff is only costing $1.49 an item, it comes out to be REALLY CHEAP!!!!! We had a great day together and I think that is going to be my thing to do with her when I go down there from now on. I love you, auntie!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sweetie's Birthday

I asked sweetie what he wanted to do for his birthday and of course I knew that it would include his new "scooter". We took off in the morning and headed out to this restaurant in Oroville that has been in the family for almost 100 years! It's a little hole in the wall, just like we like and the food was fabulous! We drove across table mountain and then headed down every back road we could find towards Red Bluff. I love taking the back roads that we have never been on. I love the saying; "if you only go where you've been, you'll only see what you saw", so we try to go down the roads less traveled, so to speak. We had a great time, and the sun was shining on our backs the whole way. We ended up basking in the sunshine in a park on the blanket I had brought in a backpack. I truly LOVE being with this man! He makes all my days more fun and enjoyable and I'm so thankful he was born!

Happy Mothers Day!

To ALL the wonderful mothers that I have been so blessed to have cross my path, I hope you had a day that made you smile. In my older age, I have come to realize that it is quite a calling, and for those of us that have taken it on, we will never be the same again. It's a day to day thing that never leaves us, no matter how old our kids get and however much their adult years take them away. It's a day that I miss my own mom incredibly. It's amazing, because I always think that next year, it will feel better, and I won't think so much about her, but every year I'm not surprised and do. Chris and I went to the nursery today, as we have since she passed away and bought her a special plant. I do look forward to this part of my Mothers Day and it always feels right to be out in the yard with her. This years addition was a Daphney, full of sweet smell that I placed by my swing, so I can get a whiff in the early spring and some fox glove that makes such a beautiful statement in my yard. God willing, tomorrow is another gorgeous spring day and I'm gonna head down to see if I can bring any joy to my Aunt. Hope you guys have a great day and don't forget to look up..........................................

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Chris's 14th Birthday

Today was my youngest boy's 14th birthday and one more of the many times for me to reflect on how fast time travels by me. I can't believe that my "baby" is now moving through his second year of being a teenager. Oh, how I want to hang on to his little boy years and not let them go but as life has it, I have no choice and must learn to adapt. Having been through this a couple of times before, I know how quickly, from this point on, they move away from us and more towards their friends and interests. I love my boy, as I do my two others, far, far more than they will EVER comprehend. Anyway, we had a great day together. No school, except for his math tutor and the meeting of his teacher to turn in final work. I had promised him that I would spend some time playing that awful, mind-altering, all consuming game system that he has been saving his money for, that I thought he wouldn't be able to, XBox360. Oh, how I dreaded the playing of the game but forced myself to TRY to laugh and enjoy it. After he killed me 15 times, I knew, without a doubt that I had reached the end. It was a true test of patience for me but I got through it. A real highlight of the day was, one of Chris's oldest friends from public school that he hasn't seen in 3 years stopped by with a gift and a Happy Birthday message and it floored both of us. He and Chris used to be joined at the hip but their friendship waned and was lost when this boy just wanted to hang out with the "most popular" kids at school in 5th grade. Chris was really hurt by that and there was many a discussion over friendships at that time and since. To see this kid at our door tonight saying; I just wanted to wish Chris a happy birthday was nothing short of AMAZING!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wedding Hair?????????

Please tell me whether my hair should be down as in the first three pictures or:

Up as in the last few pictures, for the wedding???? Ashley came over again tonight and was so sweet to play with my hair to see what I might like to do for Summy's wedding. We had a blast, putting in another 5,000 words seems to be a breeze for us. She loves to mess with hair, we are both such "GIRLS"! Thank you Ashley, for taking the time with me and trying to make due with what you have to work with. You are a "SWEETHEART"!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Swim Team Time

Swim team started today and it was a bit chilly. I loved my boy being a part of the swim team last year. It gave him the opportunity to get a great workout five days a week, learn some much needed dicipline and gain alot of strength! When he first started last year he was not too excited about it but I kept building it up and told him how much it would help him be stronger and trigger his "growth hormone"! It WORKED, I think by coincidence only, but whatever. He did grow alot this last year and has gained strength too. So, once again we are taking it on! It's quite a commitment, selling tri-tip dinner tickets, working hours volunteering to help pay for all that's involved, and being "on time" every day during the week, the hardest thing of all for me! It is fun though and we have met alot of great people, which is always a treat! Anybody for a tri-tip dinner, ya better hurry, the tickets are going FAST!!!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Lunch with Ashley

My, My, it's been way too long since I've spent some time with Ashley! She is a real kick in the pants and I love hearing all of her adventures, dreams and ambitions. She called last week and wanted to have lunch today so I met her at "Juice and Java" and two hours later, both of us together, put in a good 5,ooo words! There was alot of catching up to do, because for some reason, we have been lame and have'nt seen each other for a while and their was alot of talkin goin on! She is coming over again on Weds. night to practice doing my hair for the wedding. That should be fun, wish me luck! :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Fred & Ginger dance class and dinner with friends

Tonight was our weekly dance class which is always so fun. I really felt like we finally clicked in and got some of the beat and steps. What the heck, it's only been 5 weeks of dance classes, what would one expect? We all signed up for the continued advanced class but we all agreed that we maybe should have taken the beginner class over again, instead of moving on. Oh well, it's good to shoot for the gold, right?

We had invited the Burns over for dinner after our dance class and then I asked Scot and Jacky if they wanted to join us so we all ended up at their house. What a GREAT place to end up!! I love being around those people and I can honestly say we all had a wonderful time. How can you miss, with unbelievable food, great wine and "homemade margaritas" awesome conversation and wonderful friends and family. Once again, it doesn't get any better for me! We were dancing in the driveway and then enjoyed wonderful food and conversation. Thank you guys so much for being who you are and sharing yourselves with us. We LOVE you!! Karin and Pat, we are so thrilled to be joining our family with yours!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

My "Sweetie"

These past couple of days I have really been appreciating my sweet husband. I feel so blessed to have him in my life and the fact that he makes me laugh daily is something I treasure. I think he is the funniest guy, and he is so patient with me and all my antics. I love the fact that he always stops whatever he is doing to help me with whatever I need, however small or silly he may think it is, does not matter to him, he will just give me a look and then help me out! I had been feeling so sick for the last two days from this stupid medication I took for an equally stupid cold sore that arose on my lip due to the fact that I am getting increasingly nervous about the up and coming wedding of our daughter, and all that needs to be done and completed in the next 28 days. He tried to get my mind off of my crappy feeling self, in several sweet ways, and then we curled up in bed last night and watched an old movie on the computer. Thanks so much sweetie, for loving me and letting me be me! You're the BEST!!