Today was my youngest boy's 14th birthday and one more of the many times for me to reflect on how fast time travels by me. I can't believe that my "baby" is now moving through his second year of being a teenager. Oh, how I want to hang on to his little boy years and not let them go but as life has it, I have no choice and must learn to adapt. Having been through this a couple of times before, I know how quickly, from this point on, they move away from us and more towards their friends and interests. I love my boy, as I do my two others, far, far more than they will EVER comprehend. Anyway, we had a great day together. No school, except for his math tutor and the meeting of his teacher to turn in final work. I had promised him that I would spend some time playing that awful, mind-altering, all consuming game system that he has been saving his money for, that I thought he wouldn't be able to, XBox360. Oh, how I dreaded the playing of the game but forced myself to TRY to laugh and enjoy it. After he killed me 15 times, I knew, without a doubt that I had reached the end. It was a true test of patience for me but I got through it. A real highlight of the day was, one of Chris's oldest friends from public school that he hasn't seen in 3 years stopped by with a gift and a Happy Birthday message and it floored both of us. He and Chris used to be joined at the hip but their friendship waned and was lost when this boy just wanted to hang out with the "most popular" kids at school in 5th grade. Chris was really hurt by that and there was many a discussion over friendships at that time and since. To see this kid at our door tonight saying; I just wanted to wish Chris a happy birthday was nothing short of AMAZING!
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