These past couple of days I have really been appreciating my sweet husband. I feel so blessed to have him in my life and the fact that he makes me laugh daily is something I treasure. I think he is the funniest guy, and he is so patient with me and all my antics. I love the fact that he always stops whatever he is doing to help me with whatever I need, however small or silly he may think it is, does not matter to him, he will just give me a look and then help me out! I had been feeling so sick for the last two days from this stupid medication I took for an equally stupid cold sore that arose on my lip due to the fact that I am getting increasingly nervous about the up and coming wedding of our daughter, and all that needs to be done and completed in the next 28 days. He tried to get my mind off of my crappy feeling self, in several sweet ways, and then we curled up in bed last night and watched an old movie on the computer. Thanks so much sweetie, for loving me and letting me be me! You're the BEST!!
Just what I like to hear. A woman that appreciates her Man. All of us are very lucky to have met and married the perfect match for us. Looking for to Tahoe. Ken