Saturday, March 14, 2009

Pat's 16th Birthday

Well, this is my first attempt at putting a picture up on my "BLOG" and I'm so excited because my friend Michelle helped me set it up. Thanks so much for helping me, Michelle! We had a slight set-back and lost alot of our photos, so basically we are starting over with pictures. In honor of that, we took out first new photos tonight, as we celebrated Chris's brother Pat's 16th birthday and I can't believe how the time has flown by. He is growing into a fine young man and I'm so thankful to be a part of his life. Don't they look so much alike, and so handsome I might add!


  1. Cindy, your blog is beautiful. I love all the pictures you added to the sidebar. Good job. I hope you were nice to your hubby, I have a feeling that he helped you. Now you will see why Kari and I are always, did you leave a comment? Have you read my blog? I love you my friend and happy blogging. Shell

  2. Tata queen of the beach!! You have a blog. Comment on mine too. Love, ton amie

  3. Mulford, okay now three of my wives have blogs! It is a wonderful thing as I do not get to see any of you enough for my taste! So,
    BLOG ON WOMEN!! Your site is very good and I am glad to have glances of your life to fill in the blanks of the day to day stuff.
    I do however want to quibble a bit about the "sweating glitter" part...I beg to differ.
    Love, Brett
